Health Tips : Symptoms

1.Symptoms of anaemia

Iron deficiency is one of the most common deficiencies in the world. Although anaemia can be caused by other deficiencies including folic acid, B12, B6 or copper, iron deficiency anaemia is the most common type of anaemia.

Anaemic people may not show any symptoms at first, then start to develop symptoms over time, including:

-dizziness or light-headedness,
- Fatigue, weakness, shortness of breath, or lack of endurance during exercise,
 -Headache, poor concentration and cognitive ability, desire to chew on ice,
-irritability, paleness,
- Heart palpitations or rapid heartbeat,
-Intolerance to cold, loss of appetite, and/or reduced immunity.

Causes of anaemia

Sometimes a person will suffer from iron deficiency anaemia not because of iron loss or lack specifically, but because there is a deficiency of vitamin A, which leads to defective iron transport. Even if you take in enough iron from your food, you may not get enough iron because of poor absorption or low stomach acid. Other causes include internal bleeding and excessive menstrual bleeding, which is why iron is often included in premenopausal women's multivitamins. Pregnancy and breastfeeding also increase a woman's need for iron. If you are taking antacids or other medications that may interfere with iron, taking supplemental iron might help. Finally, not only can iron deficiency result from excessive menstrual bleeding, but it can also be a cause of it!

Anaemia can be solved by:

Good food sources of iron include

-Dried fruits such as raisins,
-Figs and dates,
-Lean red meats,
-Spinach, asparagus, kale, broccoli,
- Deep green leafy vegetables,
-Dried beans and peas,
- Seafood, poultry,
-Organ meats such as liver
- Whole grain breads and cereals fortified with iron are also good choices.

Note :-

Avoid eating foods rich in calcium at the same time as iron-rich foods since calcium can reduce the absorption of iron. Iron supplements seem to be best absorbed on an empty stomach.

Avoid consuming tea, coffee, milk or eggs with your iron-rich foods as they may inhibit iron absorption. On the other hand, Vitamin C (as in a glass of orange juice), which increases the absorption of iron, can be taken together with your iron supplement.

Cooking in iron skillets can also be helpful. Even a healthy body does not absorb iron very easily. Because of that, a person suffering from anaemia may be advised to take iron supplements for several months to a year.

2. Symptoms of Depression

Some people experience a few symptoms, some many. Severity of symptoms varies with individuals and also varies over time.


  • Persistent sad, anxious, or "empty" mood
  • Feelings of hopelessness, pessimism
  • Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, helplessness
  • Loss of interest or pleasure in hobbies and activities that were once enjoyed, including sex
  • Decreased energy, fatigue, being "slowed down"
  • Difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decision
  • Insomnia, early-morning awakening, or oversleeping
  • Appetite and/or weight loss or overeating and weight gain
  • Thoughts of death or suicide; suicide attempts
  • Restlessness, irritability
  • Persistent physical symptoms that do not respond to treatment, such as headaches, digestive disorders, and chronic pain

Depression can be solved by:

-Acupuncture is effective in the management of depression.
-Be 100% honest about emotions and feelings
° Schedule a meeting for coffee, lunch, or dinner for a regular day and time with someone trusted
° Contact a close family member or friend, asking to be checked on daily until the depression can be brought under control
° Offer to volunteer at a local nursing home, hospital, or school where there are a lot of people but also places where the individual would feel needed
° Organize a daily walk with someone close
° Get involved with a new club or take a class of interest

3.Symptoms of Post-natal depression

A condition in which a woman becomes miserable or frankly depressed after having a baby. It is extremely common, with some surveys showing that eight out of ten women feel low, weepy and depressed, and are easily upset, in the first week or two after a birth. These emotions may or may not be accompanied by a feeling of anxiety around the time of taking the baby home from the hospital-a condition seen more commonly in first-time mothers.

Usually post-natal depression is not sufficiently serious to prevent the sufferer from functioning normally, but is very unpleasant for her.

Such a woman typically cries at the slightest provocation, perhaps for no reason at all, feels she can't cope with the baby, is critical or openly aggressive towards her partner, feels guilty about not loving her baby enough, goes off sex, loses her appetite, can't sleep, has nightmares, and may have panic attacks.

Post-natal depression starts at any time after the birth but the common 'baby blues' is experienced in the first few days and lasts only for a couple of days. More severe forms of depression start from 2-3 weeks post-natally, but can first appear as much as six months later.

What causes it?

No one knows for sure but there are several theories:

Hormonal theories have always been popular because the levels of progesterone rise during pregnancy and then fall very suddenly immediately after the birth. Superficially this appears to be a plausible explanation but it is difficult to see how this sudden fall in hormone level could cause depression weeks or months later. Also, these very same hormones are deemed to be the cause of pregnancy depression in which progesterone levels are high-not low.

It was noticed many years ago that there were certain similarities between premenstrual symptoms and post-natal depression.

Unfortunately, it is not easy to measure hormones post-natally because the levels swing wildly until the menstrual cycle re-establishes itself. Whilst we still have a lot to learn about hormonal abnormalities, several researchers have meanwhile found other abnormalities. One of these is:

-Inadequate vitamin B6. This vitamin now has a proven place in the management of premenstrual tension and it has also been tested in the post-natal situation.

-One researcher gave 100 mg of the vitamin for twenty-eight days to more than 100 women who had already had one baby (thus ruling out first-timers). The results showed that the B6 group had much less depression than did those given a placebo and that the effects were particularly marked in those women who had premenstrual symptoms.

-Tiredness and sheer exhaustion are often cited as causes of postnatal blues but there is almost certainly more going on than this.

-Undoubtedly, physical and mental exhaustion are a part of the baby blues in some women but they are unlikely to be a major factor in true post-natal depression.

Vitamin B6 :

Deficiency in vitamin B-6 can lead to skin inflammation (dermatitis) depression, confusion, convulsions, and even anaemia. Recent studies also suggest that a diet low in vitamin B6 increases risk of heart attack.

Foods in vitamin B6:

1.Crude rice and wheat bran are the foods with the most vitamin B6. As such, it is important to eat whole foods like brown rice and whole wheat bread which still contains the bran that has been taken out of their refined counterparts. Rice bran contains the most vitamin B6.

What are the diets to be followed during the pregnency time?

The yoga to be followed during pregnancy

Guidance for perfect breast feeding:

Some of the healthy diets

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